version 1.1


This software comes with absolutely no warranty of any kind. I, the author, will not be held responsible for any loss of data or damage to equipment as a direct or indirect result of using this software.



This software is to be considered as GIFTWARE. If you use this program all I ask is that you send me a gift (e.g. a postcard of your home town/country, money, etc.).

The software can be freely distributed provided that no charge is made for it and that all of the files are included and remain unaltered (archiving of the files is allowed). PD houses are permitted to charge a minimal fee to cover any costs and overheads provided that no more than �2.50 is charge per copy (this includes postage and packaging).

Magazines and CD-ROM publishers are permitted to include this software on any of their coverdisks/CDs, although I ask that you contact me first to ensure that you have the latest version.

About Reboot

Reboot is a utility which causes the system to reboot via a menu command (as opposed to using CTRL-AMIGA-AMIGA). The user is then asked to confirm if they want to continue with the reboot.


Reboot will run under any Amiga set-up with AmigaOS 2.0 or later, although there are plans to make it AmigaOS 3.0+ only. I cannot say for sure though if it will run properly under AmigaOS 2.0 as I am unable to test Reboot with this version of AmigaOS. It definitely runs okay under AmigaOS 3.0+.

This software has been tested on the following set-ups:-

- Amiga 1200 with AmigaOS 3.0.

- Amiga 1200 with AmigaOS 3.0, 8 meg of Fast RAM and a Blizzard 1230-IV @50MHz (no FPU).

- Amiga 1200T with AmigaOS 3.1 and 3.5, 40 meg of Fast RAM, BlizzardPPC 603e/240MHz and 68040/25MHz, BlizzardVisionPPC 8 meg 3D graphics board, 1.7 gig hard drive, quad speed CD-ROM drive, Power Flyer (with Allegro CDFS), external floppy disk drive, MIDI interface, video digitiser, sound sampler and a Playstation memory card interface.


To install Reboot simply double-click on the "Install Reboot" icon. This should install the program to the "SYS:WBStartup" drawer. A reboot is required for the changes to take effect.

Instructions for use

Assuming that the installation process went okay, to activate Reboot, go to the Workbench "Tools" menu (located on the pull-down menu strip) and select "Reboot system". You will then be presented with a requester with three options.

(1) Reboot - Causes the system to reboot.
(2) Quit Reboot - Quits the Reboot program, removing it from the "Tools" menu.
(3) Cancel - Cancels the request to reboot the system.


The icons used are from the AmigaOS 3.5 CD-ROM.

Contacting the author

If you have any suggestions for improvements or bug reports then please send them to:-


or alternatively:-

Francis G. Loch,
Cardiovascular Physics Group,
Room 28, 4th Floor,
Queen Elizabeth Building,
Glasgow Royal Infirmary,
United Kingdom,
G31 2ER.

This HTML file was last updated on 8th November 1999.

Copyright � 1999 Francis G. Loch. All rights reserved.